This is a Journal entry by clzoomer- a bit woobly
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation Aug 23, 2002
Found the pictures, am I excited! Really excited! Well maybe not that excited, I think I'll relax and have a beer. (Gee, I hope this works or it's going to look awfully goofy...
Candi - now 42! Posted Aug 25, 2002
I just saw this journal entry and thought I'd tell you the reason why the pictures don't work is because they only work in GUIDE ML, only in guide entries or your introduction on your personal space......if you use guide ml you have to select the GuideML button at the bottom for it to work....
Any questions just ask...that's what I'm here for or if you like to learn your own way just go to:
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Aug 26, 2002
Thank you, yes. I would like to leave it like that, though because it amuses me.
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