This is a Journal entry by Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

A Prayer For A Friend

Post 1

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

A friend of mine is going through a time of trial at the moment. This came to me while I was watching Leslie Garrett's superb program 'The Singer' on Saturday. I hope he finds it useful.

A Prayer For A Friend

Regret is a coiled serpent.
It tightens around my memories and hardens my heart.
It feeds upon my past failure and robs me of the capacity to hope.

The serpent cares not for now, only for then.
Then is gone and cannot be changed.
I will focus on the joy I have now.

The serpent cannot hold onto life, only onto the dead.
I am alive and feel the bright Awen in my spirit.
So the serpent cannot hold me.

I will not give in to the serpent.
The pain is real but all wounds will heal, if I let them.
The serpent cannot prevail, unless I let it.

I shall not be the slave of regret.

Matholwch the Apostate /|\.

A Prayer For A Friend

Post 2


Thank you for passing that along Matholwch.

People used to say, 'Get over it, move on' and I used to find that annoying. Who were they to tell me this, I thought.
Then I realised that what I actually had to do was 'get over' myself smiley - biggrin.
Je regret rien or I'm trying to !

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