This is a Journal entry by iDeeRequired

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 1


This is my first Journal Entry. I do not like it.

Journal implies journey. This is not the case.

I already have a blog. With readers.

No one will read this. What is the purpose? smiley - sadface

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 2


here you go i've read it how are you idee my name is andy !welcome to h2g2 how u enjoying it so far??

andysmiley - bat

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 3


Hi Andy!

It's great here. I'm at home! Would you care to read my essay on tic tacs?

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 4


i will try to read it as i'm here for 12hours!!

andysmiley - bat

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 5


smiley - smiley

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 6


where abouts is it i couldnt find it!!

andysmiley - bat

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 7


Haha! I have no idea! I feel like such a dork.

Captain's Log--Stardate 08222002

Post 8


mm maybe you might besmiley - laugh

andysmiley - bat

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