This is a Journal entry by With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

Hold the Giant Squid....

Post 1

With Gun & Umbrella in Search of Truth.

The lot of an international time travelling swashbuckling dragonslaying getting the girl and riding off into the sunset adventurer is not always a happy one. It is also rather awkward to fit within the confines of the average calling card and tends to give the typesetter a vicious migraine of Homeric magnitude. Advertising in the local newspaper, as you can imagine, costs a small fortune.

My point?

Well, as per usual I do not have one. I was merely of the opinion that it was high time that I updated my journal.

Anyone who has unfortunately blundered into this self serving diatribe will no doubt be wondering what on earth I am talking about.

I formally add my own name to the roster.

Well, this has been a trying week; what with saving the universe from face hugging aliens, evil galactic Empires and solving mysterious murder cases in the smoggy streets of nineteeth century London.

Poised to rush once again to the fore I fully intend to slay the Jabberwock, usurp the throne of King Duncan of Scotland and finally discover what The Matrix really is whilst simultaneously fending off my wife and children who want to play online Tetris.

With gun and umbrella,


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