This is a Journal entry by DammedIfYouDo

Rolling Stones (cont)

Post 1


I am not trying to make out that the UK is in any way an intrinsically special place, it is just the place that I grew up in, the place in which my 'cultural self' feels most at home and comfortable.

While I have been physically living out of the UK for many years now, culturally I still spend a lot - if not most - of my time there. I guess my using h2g2 is one small example of this. I watch and listen to the BBC using satellite and internet and longwave. I read the U.K. papers, I buy U.K. books (I wouldn't be seen dead buying an American edition, usually I dislike the covers) and have a strong preference to U.K. bands.

And you may well ask - Why am I living out of the UK?

to be continued...

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Rolling Stones (cont)

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