This is a Journal entry by suncage
suncage Started conversation Jul 29, 2002
Hi I'm suncage, I like melting rocks, and other material found on this planet
I also like to paint things though I hav'nt painted anything this year
I was born on this planet and will probably die on this planet
Some of the stuff I am doing between these two events can be found at the link below
night night
suncage Posted Jul 29, 2002
FAQ's: 1> How was the universe created?
2> Where are my socks, I'm sure I put 3 pairs in the washing machine
Don't know
3> Whats outside the universe?
4> What's inside the washing machine?
Don't Lnow
5> Is it possible to travel faster than light?
6> Is the orchard caught in a mirroring sector of this solar system
Don't know
7> What happens to orchard replies?
They're in either 3 or 4
suncage Posted Aug 2, 2002
Shouting for directions in the fog I hear the same voice echoing around the void
"can you hear me" I shout into the mist
"can I hear you" I reply
"yes, can you hear me" I repeat
"can I hear you" I reply
What a waste of time I decide and go back to my space
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