This is a Journal entry by Vroomfindel (Royal Illogician and Disseminator of Nonsense)

First Comment

Post 1

Vroomfindel (Royal Illogician and Disseminator of Nonsense)

Oh! What joy! What glory, in knowing that I am not alone, that someone in the vast Internet acknowledges my minute presence! Another Guide researcher (other than an ACE) stopped by to read my introduction and actually commented on it! Hooray! By the made-up powers vested in me by me, I declare this a national holiday in the tiny, fictional nation of Vroomfindelia! *plops down at laptop and begins typing hideous drivel only slightly better quality than Vogon poetry... 5 minutes later the computer self-destructs, melting the keyboard in a valiant attempt to protect humankind from such utter filth, but I am far too dazed with pride and joy following recent events to notice... several hours later I return with a new laptop, which detects a final dying message transmitted from the previous laptop, in response to which it too commits suicide... 4 days later half a dozen major computer manufacturing corporations collapse, all blaming their failure on a single notorious customer who purchased and immediately returned hundreds of laptops and desktop systems, claiming that each one suffered inexplicable, irreparable damage immediately upon entering his home, and arranging to have it replaced under the one-year warranty that all the companies had been foolish enough to provide him with. Journalists mourn over the Sub-Etha Net that the customer was an Earthling and therefore unable to purchase anything from the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, which could have been easily, rapidly, and thoroughly destroyed by the customer. ...Meanwhile, the customer is wondering what all the television reporters are doing at his ongoing nationwide party. He'll have to issue them all Vroomfindelian passports...

Second Conversation

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi smiley - smiley
Are you going to start your own Collectors Page?

All you have to do is click on "Click here to add a new Guide Entry" and give it a title.

"Collectors" sounds good to me. smiley - smiley

I'd like to be your first Colletor, I collect Wedgwood Blue Jasper pottery.

smiley - biggrin

If you need help with the layout of the page with Guide ML, {like the Keeper page} just let me know.

smiley - flyhi

Second Conversation

Post 3

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Or if you're feeling especially daring, take a peek at <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>!

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