This is a Journal entry by Pete *not quite dead yet*

apology in advance

Post 1

Pete *not quite dead yet*

i'm sorry if i'm not around much here in the coming weeks/months.
i'm highly depressed lately (partially a side product of no personal time whatsoever, and working on three shows at once.), so it's hard to get it together and get online.
again, i'm sorry.

apology in advance

Post 2

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

auw petey! smiley - cuddle

well if you are only send me an email if you need a shouldersmiley - smooch

loves you sweetie

apology in advance

Post 3


we understand hunsmiley - hug but like ems said you can still e-mail ill keep sending you stuff anywaysmiley - ok

andysmiley - bat

apology in advance

Post 4

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I don't think you have the right addy for her hun, unless she's given you her new one, will send it to you in a minsmiley - ok

apology in advance

Post 5


i think i do but send it any way hunsmiley - hug
andysmiley - bat

apology in advance

Post 6

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - biggrin
You guys are so awesome...
It's just been quite a bit of stress lately... although the stress seems to be superseding the depression, so that's a bit of good.
T minus 6 days and counting 'til the show opens.
smiley - hug

apology in advance

Post 7


gee thanks smiley - erm why is that then hun?

andysmiley - bat

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