This is a Journal entry by Pete *not quite dead yet*

first week of school

Post 1

Pete *not quite dead yet*

was exhausting. i actually got up at 530 and ran one morning.
however, i have the sickish feeling in the back of my throat... smiley - groan
and i've come home every day and crashed out.
arg. i'm going to go finally watch Chicago, and attempt to not think about school.
Love, Pete

first week of school

Post 2

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

good plan honeysmiley - hug

first week of school

Post 3

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - hug the problem is that i have no day off whatsoever anymore..
but this monday i do! yay labor day! smiley - biggrin

first week of school

Post 4

Crazy Man

Woo hoo! smiley - hug

first week of school

Post 5

Pete *not quite dead yet*

That was definitely a bout of awesomeness, to have a day off..
Heh. Tonight I am sleeping. A lot. Exciting college life. smiley - laugh

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