This is a Journal entry by U195408


Post 1


Twinkie Experiment

Placed twinkie in direct sunlight (Boston, MA, USA) appearance

3:40 PM Initially twinkie is visibly moist, yellow in appearance
wrapping has visible greasy sheen.

4:05 Drops of some liquid have condensed on the inside of the
wrapper. No change to the twinkie itself.

4:50 Condensate on wrapper appears to have evaporated

6:15 Sun is obscured by a neighboring building. Twinkie
remains defiantly strong.

9:30 Sun has set completely. Twinkie doesn't appear to be
doing anything. Also, twinkie isn't attracting insects,
rodents, or birds, yet.

12:45 AM No apparent change in the twinkie, too dark to really
tell though. Will check back in the morning.

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