This is a Journal entry by psychocandy-moderation team leader

See you in a few days! (PC)

Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

FIL is on his way with the van to help us start moving some fragile items, and others the movers don't like to haul, over to the new place (so we won't be making dozens of trips with the car). This computer will be one of them. I'll have the laptop here, we'll take that with on Sunday, but it's harder for me to type on that keypad, so you won't be hearing much from me till Monday afternoon, after Comcast comes and hooks up the cable at the new place.

I'll need breaks from all that unpacking. smiley - winkeye

See you all early next week.

See you in a few days! (PC)

Post 2


smiley - ok Good luck with the move! (And good luck with Comcast. I was trying to get them to put in a landline one time, they came out three times and couldn't find my house! smiley - laugh )

See you in a few days! (PC)

Post 3

psychocandy-moderation team leader

smiley - laugh

We decided to move the PC and TV tomorrow night. It's too damn hot out there right now... so I'm not gone entirely just yet. smiley - winkeye

It took AT&T four tries to find my address in their database, so maybe it'll be trickier getting the phone in on Monday.

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