This is a Journal entry by psychocandy-moderation team leader
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Ouch! Oof! Oops! (PC)
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Mar 17, 2012
You've just given me a flashback. For our Christmas lights, my parents rather irresponsibly used a really old fashioned connector fitting of the bayonet type used for lightbulbs. I remember sticking my fingers in and feeling something slightly prickly. 'That's funny. There seems to be some pine needles stuck in here...' BANG!
Ouch! Oof! Oops! (PC)
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Mar 18, 2012
I broke my big toe twice.
One time I was getting a book off the top of my wardrobe and another one fell off onto my toe - Bostock and Chandler 'A' level Core Maths.
The second time I stood on it. Yup, I stood one me own toe and broke it. I'd been sitting cross legged and stood up.
End with a pic (for Ed):
Ouch! Oof! Oops! (PC)
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 18, 2012
I don't recall any electrical misadventures, but I avoid any attempted repairs, etc, of anything electrical anyway.
It's been a few days since I've injured myself, and nothing from my youth springs to mind at the moment, but either I will remember something or I'll hurt myself again soon.
Ouch! Oof! Oops! (PC)
KB Posted Mar 20, 2012
Here's another I've just done and feel I have to report. So I'm cutting my toenail with dopey little fun-sized nail clippers which means it takes a number of clips to shorten and even out the whole length of the nail.
So my hand slips, and I stab my thumb on the bit of toenail that I've yet to 'level off' - enough to make it pish blood!
I now feel immensely silly.
Ouch! Oof! Oops! (PC)
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Mar 20, 2012
Better not let TSA find out about that, or next time I fly somewhere, they'll confiscate my toenails as well as the clippers.
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Ouch! Oof! Oops! (PC)
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