This is a Journal entry by Beatnik (middle-class philosophic hobo, and great protagonist of poetic justice)

Well, it's Wednesday Again...

Post 1

Beatnik (middle-class philosophic hobo, and great protagonist of poetic justice)

It wasn't until 11:30 today that Wednesday began to rear it's ugly head. After my philosophy of science class, I went down to the bookstore to get my book for it. See, I normally don't get books until after the first classes are over, since profs have a horrible tendancy to swithch course texts around at the last minute. I was a little aprehensive, since my prof had told us that it was a first edition, so there was no way you could get a second-hand copy. When I found the book, I was relieved to discover that it was only a few hundred pages long, and probably wouldn't cost more than... well, I was wrong, it was a hundred bucks. Well, I guess I don't have to eat this month.

So as I was walking home after purchsing my shiny new texbook, it began to rain. And not just your typical Manitoba drizzle. It was like Wednesday had just popped the mother of all zits that ever were and was aiming directly for my head. Not that I would normally mind such a downpour, but I kind of wanted to salvage as much of my philosophy text as I could... the second-hand value of a book that looks like it was used to clean up a basement flood isn't great. I managed to save the book, for the most part.

But Wednesday, as it turns out, isn't really all that merciless after all. During my 2:40 Science Fiction class, I learned that one of the novels on the agenda was to be none other than the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Imagine the sweet release! But the day isn't over yet... I still have to head to the bookstore to see how much my Medieval European History text is going to set me back...

Well, it's Wibble Again...

Post 2

Vroomfindel (Royal Illogician and Disseminator of Nonsense)

Become a Thingite. In all honesty, it won't make much of a difference, but the absurdity of the new week names helps relieve some of the atmosphere surrounding Wenssmiley - bleep

Not to mention you get a regulation titanium smiley - spork!

Well, it's Wibble Again...

Post 3

Beatnik (middle-class philosophic hobo, and great protagonist of poetic justice)

Thank you so much for your inventive suggestion... I think I would feel relieved to know that I would only have to go through Wibble every week than Wenes... well, you get the idea.

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