This is a Journal entry by kittykat
Where I'm at today
kittykat Started conversation Mar 29, 2002
"I feel so very blessed." Each time I hear someone say things like that I USUALLY do not believe them. Once upon a time, it would have been accepted as BIBLE. I, of all persons currently inhabiting this planet at this time, have become increasingly cynical. The type of cynicism that hardens you, remolds and reshapes you into a totally alien form. An unrecognizable form. When did this occur? (Was 9/11 the ultimate proof?) No one could comprehend the aggrevation I felt at the mods et. al. for their horrific behavior towards the stalwart correspondents of the Welcome Lounge. Totally undeserved - and if the last bastion of reputed civility on the planet ( i.e. our friends, the British, in the entity of the BBC) is either proven to be mythical ( perhaps the result of an extremely long and quite skillfully promoted ad campaign ) or simply a delusion on our part, is that any better? I do not want to be so untrusting that I begin to doubt myself or my "guts" if you will. SOOOOOOO I'm going with a big one: I feel so very blessed that I found ( or, more likely, was sent ) to this site. Thank you to all who have responded - you have touched me beautifully. And I can't wait to meet the rest. What A TREMENDOUS TRIP!
Where I'm at today
$u$ Posted Mar 29, 2002
I'm British, but I'm certainly not mythical... well not in the sense of caring about others anyway.
We *will* get you back in touch with your friends Kitty. I know how much it means.
Just glad you've found some solace on h2g2.
Sus xx
Where I'm at today
$u$ Posted Mar 29, 2002
As regards the Welcome Lounge? All I can suggest is that you keep hassling Neil and explaining the situation. 'Tis Easter now, so you may not get any response for a while... just for a change.
Have you had a look at the 360 site yet that Peta mentioned? It's only just been launched, but it would be a great place to share your environmental interests, especially your own local concerns. I think you have to 'register' for it in effect, but you will still have the same U number you do on h2g2 and have access to all your h2g2/360 conversations and your 'personal space', as it's a sister site.
Finding your way around now?
Sus xx
Where I'm at today - and getting better!
kittykat Posted Mar 30, 2002
Hey Sus I've been talking about you today - all over the place
. Telling everyone how horrible you are!
Obviously I'm joking as I think you're quite super
. Will follow your advice and keep you "posted" (pun intended)
Thanks again
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Where I'm at today
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