This is a Journal entry by TENBOB


Post 1


Many years ago a man or woman? decided that they would like to move faster than it was possible on two legs. They may have noticed a stone or bolder rolling down a hill. What ever started them thinking resulted in the first WHEEL! The first person to see a wheel in action thought it would be a good idea to dig large holes? Large holes you ask! well if I tell you that the first person to see the new invention of the wheel also became the first UNDERTAKER, do you see the connection. We really have moved on since those days but the problem now is too many wheels and they all want to go faster than the others. The downside of this invention is the number of headstones
needed to mark each large hole.
For those who still use our two legs to get around the wheel has become a real kill. Surely once you have wheels and you can travel faster that those with just legs, that should be fast enough. Sadly this is not the case and it is the smallest legs that move at the slowest speed which usually end up in the large holes.

So, if you own a set of wheels, don't become a killer once your over thirty! Stick to the speed limit, as this is where you will find the most small legs.


Post 2


good morning Bob
..... smiley - hug
..... long time no see how are you?
..... smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose love
..... Marion smiley - kiss

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