This is a Journal entry by Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

Certificate course

Post 1

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

Yesterday was the induction day for this year's crop of modules towards the post graduate certificate in special educational needs/support for learning. It was also the first time I had ever visited the University of Glasgow, although I have been matriculated there since September 2001.

I wasn't that impressed with Glasgow, not the university, the city. Mind you, I'm a bit of a teuchter at heart, so any city turns me off, which exonerates Glasgow to some extent.

Distance Education last year involved a tutor visiting our authority for two days for each module to host tutorials. This year, DE involves this induction day and emails. Distance, indeed!

The good news, as anyone who knows me will avow, is that the modules have been lengthened to fifteen weeks, as opposed to ten each last year. As I failed miserably to submit anything on time, maybe the powers that be have re-scheduled things to accommodate me, and others like me. Who knows?

This year's resolution is to get something submitted approximately when it's due. The submission date is 14/2/03.

Another good thing is that this module is on Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, which is where all my experience lies. It will be interesting to see where the theory fits and where it doesn't.

Then the fun is analysing why it doesn't...

Where am I talking to You ?!

Post 2

Solomon the Wisest

The Question is in the subject line. Please could you answer - thanks |||| , please.

Bye for now's

Where am I talking to You ?!

Post 3

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

I'm in Scotland.

Why do you ask?

Maybe, Maybe not, YaY, Not sure At All

Post 4

Solomon the Wisest

Thanks for your straight answer. I'm on a anonymous People Search for My Next-of-Kins. I doubt somehow yYou meet their criteria.
Thanks anyway, keep up yYour Good Work.
Solomon The Wisest

Maybe, Maybe not, YaY, Not sure At All

Post 5

Tiger Susie Innuendo, Owlatron's CB!! Major project, major grief!!!

I doubt they'd meet MY criteria, Solomon!! smiley - nahnah

Good Luck!!

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