This is a Journal entry by Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Go Patriots!

Post 1

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

I am not one to appreciate (American) football, but that...that was beautiful! 7 seconds on the clock, tied score, the Patriots make a field goal at zero seconds. As the commentator said (paraphrased), "This is the way to win a Superbowl." smiley - wow

Go Patriots!

Post 2


Hey, I was cheering for the Patriots, too. Not that I care for football alltogether, but when they decided to come in as a team rather than as individuals... yepp, I liked that.

But for something completely different. What did you think of the presentation of the entire super bowl thingy? I as a German part time ex-pat thought the whole business terribly over-patriotic, bordering nationalistic. (See, I followed your comments on the Sensitive Americans Thread smiley - winkeye) I have learned by now that it *is* part of your everyday experience to sing the National Anthem during sporting events (back home, we only do it for international events), but desplaying a real life immitation of that whatever monument it was (you know, soldiers raising a Flag), man, to my liking (and to those other Europeans who were with me) that was way out of bounds. So were the computer animated soldiers they showed before replays.

So what is your American perspective on this?

Yelbakk - ever so curious to learn

Go Patriots!

Post 3

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Actually, I taped it and, except for the end (which I had the joy of seeing live), I have yet to watch it. In fact, except for this year (Patriots playing and happened to see the end), my only real interest lies in the commercials. which I hear weren't that good this year. What is the advertising wold coming to?

-Spike A.

Go Patriots!

Post 4


About the whole partiatism thing, if I can just jump in here, there are very mixed feelings about it, at least in my part of the country. I personly find forty foot flags and red white and blue m+m's desusting, and so do a lot of people I kow. At the sme time, perfictly sane people who I like and respect feel that blind devotion to a county is a vertue. I don't want to put anyone down, but I just don't see what we did that was so great that we all are so overcome with pride. and desplays like that at events which are well known to be viewd internationly seem very rude, like we are trying to rub peoples noses in how great we think we are. it all really makes me kinda sick

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