This is a Journal entry by Elfrida
A l-o-n-g camping trip!
Elfrida Started conversation Jul 2, 2003
Well it's nice to be back! The trip to Dorset turned into a much longer tour which took in Manchester and (last week) West Wales. *puts kettle on*
A l-o-n-g camping trip!
azahar Posted Jul 2, 2003
hi sweetie!
Welcome back!
You mean you still have some blood left? I had started to worry that you had been totally sucked dry by voracious killer mosquitos but now it turns out you just went to Manchester.
Bit of an anti-climax . . .
A l-o-n-g camping trip!
Elfrida Posted Jul 2, 2003
*hugs* Az! Well you haven't seen Manchester mossies then! Heehee. Ta for the lovely welcome..have some ?
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A l-o-n-g camping trip!
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