This is a Journal entry by Elfrida

Where to park...

Post 1


...the smiley - tardis? Perhaps the Campsite is the best option, next to my chukka-tent...Do visit me and Lohi the smiley - dragon there for tea smiley - cheers

Where to park...

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

I shall certainly pop in for a nice cup of smiley - tea

smiley - tardis parking is a right problem round here, eh? smiley - winkeye

Where to park...

Post 3


You'll be very welcome smiley - biggrin Yes there seem to be a few smiley - tardis clones around...I dunno it's like smiley - bussmiley - bussmiley - bus isn't it? I wait for aeons and then...
Wot sort of smiley - tea d'you like?

Where to park...

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Builders would be lovely, thank you. Hob-nob?

Where to park...

Post 5


smiley - wow Yes please! (That got past the filters then smiley - winkeye ) Cuppa smiley - tea?

Where to park...

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

Yes, milk and two, just like the builders have smiley - biggrin

Where to park...

Post 7


There you go smiley - cheers You'll have noticed I brought a (small and friendly) smiley - dragon back with me so we could have toasted teacakes too... These hobnobs are delicious btw

Where to park...

Post 8

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - wow If we have a smiley - dragon, I'll prop and get some crumpets. This is turning into a cracking tea-party, where's that Mad Hatter?

Where to park...

Post 9


*ponders what the filters will make of 'crumpets'* smiley - laugh Not sure about the mad hatter but I'll be the dorsmiley - mouse in the smiley - teapot

Where to park...

Post 10

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - yikes Never thought of the filters, but if you can't have a bit of crumpet at this time of night there must be something wrong!

Where to park...

Post 11


smiley - snork Too .... true!

Where to park...

Post 12


*puts crumpets to keep warm* smiley - dragon will be useful here...
Night Night!

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