This is a Journal entry by Gaian

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Post 1


Welcome To: ...... MY PAGE!!!

I am Gaian, Kevin, 0r Prometheus. This is my page o' stuff. I am addicted to the HHGG. This could be me:

"Hello, everyone; my name is Kevin" says me
"Hello, Kevin." says the group
"umm, I have a problem, ahh, I play the Infocom game of the HHGG everyday" says me again
( insert the sound of my support group clapping and congradulating me on a breakthrough here )

I LARP, role-play, paper&dice, skateboard, play Lacrosse, soccer, and someother stuff that is way to important to be on this page. I enjoy a whole lot o' stuff, see ( insert me showing you a list o' stuff in my hands here) I told you.

"Now we'll close" says the speaker
My support group in unison: "I am addicted to HHGG, and that's okay, I'm working through my problems by feeding my cravings for Douglas Adams' liturature, and that is good"
"Good job, guys. See you next week..."

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