This is a Journal entry by tom
Scottish Researchers
tom Started conversation Oct 25, 2001
Interesting group
Scottish Researchers
tom Posted Nov 15, 2001
another page - on the molesworth books
Scottish Researchers
tom Posted Nov 16, 2001
and another
on the jargon of H2G2 which is different from net jargon in general
Scottish Researchers
tom Posted Nov 26, 2001
The Bereavement thread is at
Scottish Researchers
tom Posted Jan 26, 2002
Archangel galaxy Babe is at
Christian page
tom Posted Jan 30, 2002
The Christian page is at
Scottish Researchers
vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670) Posted Apr 13, 2002
Nice set of links you seem to have here tom Now what makes the scottish researchers so interesting we get into your journal?
Scottish Researchers
tom Posted Apr 14, 2002
I'm a Scot. What other justification do I need
They are some sites I want to go back to at times and although I have a folder in my Favourites sometimes I feel a need to add a comment especially for people 'cos U numbers aren't all that memorable unlike the sites. One day I'll learn enough GuideML to brighten up the page a bit more.
Nice of you to drop in. Would you like a and a piece of
? There isn't a smiley yet alas!
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Scottish Researchers
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."