This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
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Small victories
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Sep 3, 2017
recovery time is annoying! - I did try doing about 5 or 6 sessions a week at the gym, but too many consecutive days, and I was just losing form... half the exercises I was doing were not proper and so not doing decent good = yet when I miss a day, let alone two, I so notice it and feel rubbish
- its still a strange idea to me, even though it clearly works; to defeat my crippling fatigue, all I needed and need to do is exercise!- so counter-intuative!
err, intuatitve... thtats the word...
must* make it to the gym tomorrow, if I sleep tonight or not... now been awake err... *counts* 71 hours
and of course now I don't feel tired
time for some houmous for supper I think
have just injected GH hormone, and taken my melatonin
so all up to date for today's meds, ready to start again in the morning, with the brand new levothyroxin oral solution
Small victories
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Sep 3, 2017
When I went into the gym to work with the equipment four or five days a week, I used to do split exercises. Upper body one day, lower body the next and abs all the time. It seemed to work for me, as it gave time for recovery.
Small victories
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Sep 3, 2017
That makes sense... and I could do with concentrating back a bit more on ordinary cardio work, just on the bike and cross trainer, so perhps do that a couple times a week, then split the weights on the remainder of the days to spread out a bit which sets of muscles are being worked.... good idea, actually... I'd honestly just not thought of that
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