This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I now own the trumpet I've been practising on! smiley - magic I was talking with Roy and said something about practising on *my* trumpet, and then said, 'Of course, I know it's not *my* trumpet...' and he said that as I'd shown such commitment to learning, he was going to give it to me.smiley - wow He does own a newer and very much better one, but I'm really happy about having my own trumpet.

The place where I'm learning has a concert later on in March and my tutor has asked if I would like to perform a piece. Of course, I've said yes. It will give me something to aim for. smiley - applause (or smiley - blush - I don't know which yet! smiley - laugh

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 2


How lovely. You must be very pleased. I like the trumpet. Lovely instrument.

smiley - applause Let us know how your concert goes. smiley - goodluck

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've just been checking, Websailor smiley - dragon. It's on Saturday 24 March. I may do 'Putting on the Ritz" or 'Rockabye your baby with a Dixie lullaby' or maybe something a bit simpler. Depends on how consistent I can get them.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 4

You can call me TC

Oh good for you!!! smiley - applause It's important to have something like that to work towards. Happy pratcising! smiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 5

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Oh! my dear Zarquhon smiley - musicalnotesmiley - fish

You are such a clever girl. Well done.

So now you and Roy will be able to play duets!!.

Much affection

Christinae AR1 smiley - seniorsmiley - schooloffish

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 6


Fabulous! smiley - somersault

Do you have a sound-proof room in which to practice? smiley - laugh I have a friend who has just performed in public for the first time on his oboe and he's bouncing all over the place smiley - boing I hope you get the same buzz smiley - smiley

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 7

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi TC 'It's important to have something like that to work towards.' Yes, isn't it.

Hi Christiane smiley - schooloffish So now you and Roy will be able to play duets!! We did one a while ago, but not on trumpets - his is at his house and my is at mine. He also plays flute and we did it with trumpet and practice flute.

Hi FBsmiley - star Do you have a sound-proof room in which to practice? smiley - erm No, but none of the neighbours have complained so far. I do try to practice at reasonable times, though, in consideration for them and not for too long at a time.

I need a conversation with my tutor on Monday about which tune to select. Also, I need quite a bit of practice to 'tune in' to the instrument - I can't play it without doing a fair amount of warming up. I'd need to check whether I would get that.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 8


That is fantastic! Your own trumpet! smiley - wow Congratulations! smiley - smiley

Good Luck smiley - goodluck with the music! smiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 9

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks, ladye-s - I handed in my slip requesting to play today. I checked what time there would be for warm-ups, as I can't play from cold. The trumpet makes a very sad sound for the first minute or so, until I've got my lips working properly. If I really don't feel I'll be up to it, I can always pull out.

I've bought a really great trumpet tutor which arrived from America today 'Arban's Complete Conservatory Method'. My tutor reckons it's the biz. We played a duet from it today, which I sight read. I'm really OK about sight reading and mostly we sounded fine. It was fun playing duets.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

What sort of mouthpiece have you got? If it's anything like the clarinet, you can make more difference to the sound with a good mouthpiece than the rest of the trumpet.

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 11

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've no idea what sort of mouthpiece it is, Gnomon. I know when Roy bought a mouthpiece for his expensive trumpet, the mouthpiece was over £50. How would I go about getting a better one (are there any hallmarks of a good mouthpiece?)

At the beginning of playing, it can tend to sound a bit congested, as though I hadn't cleared all the spit out of it at the end of the last session. I do try hard to blow all the liquid out of it.

I'm looking forward to the time when I can play without a brace. I'm sure it will be a lot easier.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

Price is usually the best way of choosing a good mouthpiece. The more expensive it is, the better it will sound. But they are also graded by number. A number 3 is a typical one for a beginner. Unless you're good, you wouldn't be able to get anything out of a number 7, but presumably a good player can get a much better sound out of a 7 than out of a 3. What exactly the difference between the two is, though, I don't know.

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 13

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

'Price is usually the best way of choosing a good mouthpiece.' Do you know, Gnomon, I had an awful feeling that that would be a good indicator. smiley - laughsmiley - cry I didn't know about being grated by number, though. I'll talk to my tutor next session and ask.

Cearching online, I found a guide to mouthpieces from Vincent Bach, which I'll read. Thanks, Gnomon! smiley - smiley

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 14

Gnomon - time to move on

I see at the Myatt website that mouthpieces cost anything from £16 to £200.

I've a manky old trumpet which I bought off a friend; it came with three mouthpieces, the best of which is a Vincent Bach.

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 15

Gnomon - time to move on

So you can be a D cup at last!

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 16


Gnomon smiley - yikes "manky" is not a word I would have imagined you would ever use smiley - erm

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

Manky is quite a common word in Ireland for something which is grubby and banjaxed.

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 18


Oh! I thought they only used it in Scotland.
Thank you for correcting me.

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 19

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Following our earlier exchange, Gnomon, I found the Vincent Bach website and there's a really useful booklet which I downloaded telling me all about mouthpieces. Oh, poo! the filter has crossed out your figures. I think they were 16-200GBP. smiley - yikes I see you can pay a lot more for a mouthpiece than you can pay for a cheapsih instrument.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Blowing my own trumpet

Post 20

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Having just examined my mouthpiece, it's a Yamaha 9 (whatever that is).

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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