This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Secondary transfer

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

This week we've been going to see secondary schools to look at them for little smiley - fish. We have another five to see next week. Poor little smiley - fish is getting very stressed (such that it's made him vomit). He really liked the first we went to see, but there is now way that he could get in as it's a very popular school and the catchment area is very small. I just want him to go to a school that he'll be happy at and be able to do well.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Dearest ZSFsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - fish and littlesmiley - fishlittle smiley - musicalnote

thanknyou for all your words of encouragement. It was my daughterionlaw who actually gave the people a piece of her mind and who got the phone gack on. I had posted them all the information about my payments, numbers of my DD etc. etc. and they topk absolutely no notice. I wonder if they open the post.

sorry about the problems about the school. Perhaps you are being too pessimistic about the first school. Try all the same if that is what little smiley - fish wants. the only thing they can do is say NO
Have a good week.

Christiane and K. smiley - schooloffish

Secondary transfer

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

My dear Christianesmiley - schooloffish

'they topk absolutely no notice. I wonder if they open the post.' Yes, it does feel that way sometimes, doesn't it. Good for your daughter-in-law.

We went to see another school this morning and little smiley - fish likes it. We should stand a good chance of getting in. It's a boy's school and the deputy head (I think) said that it's good for boys, as they teach them slightly differently to how they teach girls. Apparently, when they changed the system to make it more equal for the girls, the girls started to wipe the floor with the boys.

We have another to see tomorrow, three on Wednesday and one on Saturday. I"m sure I'll find him one that suits him, and I'm sure he'll do well wherever he goes. We can put up to six preferences down, but I don't think we hear which school he's got until March next year.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 4


smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Oh, that takes me back!! I had to fight to get my eldest in to the school of our choice but managed it in the end. Younger son got in as a sibling, only to hit the year we had all the teachers' strikes. 17 teachers left at the end of the previous year!!

I am sure you will find a good school for little smiley - fish, You are lucky to have so many to choose from. It is a bind to have to wait so long for a decision, but I expect the time will fly by.

smiley - goodluck and if you are not satisfied with what you are given fight it!

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Secondary transfer

Post 5

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Websailorsmiley - dragon

He seems to like the one he saw last best. I think he persuaded himself that the best performing school wasn't as good as the all-boys school. I'm not certain about all-boys schools. I was told the one I saw would be better for boys because they taught in a way to suit boys better. I know I was thankful to go to a oo-educational school - because girls could be very catty.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

We went to se the all-boys school again last night. Little smiley - fish was so excited he was running around all over the place and at the end of the evening, after the headteacher had given his speech, he ran up to him and told him 'You've convinced me!'. I was also impressed by his passion and commitment to raising standards for his boys and to their whole development. There seems to be support not only for gifted and talented boys, but also for those needing support and for those with needs such as dyslexia and those needing handwriting support - and they recognise that boys can be both gifted and talented and need support in other areas at the same time. I was impressed by the teachers and by what I saw.

We're still going to have a look around at other schools, but I do feel much happier. As this one is our closest state school, I don't think there will be any problems getting him a place if it's our first choice.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 7

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi my two favourite smiley - fish

That is what I love about little smiley - fish His wonderful enthusiasm.

I am sure that he will be offered a place at every one of the schools he likes.

With affection


Secondary transfer

Post 8

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yes, Christianesmiley - schooloffish he is very enthusiastic about this particular school. We went to two today - a comprehensive in a neighbouring borough - OK but no cigar - and a very nice private school that would cost 1/3 of my gross salary a yer - there are means-tested bursaries, so it may cost about 20-30% less than that. There are also scholarships. He'd have to pass an entrance examination first in both instances. We'll see.

We went to another school this evening and found that due to a misprint on the brochure, we'd turned up a day early. Hey ho!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 9

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Thank you for your reply. It must be great fun going around looking at all the schools. I did not realise that one was allowed and persuaded to go and visit prospetive schools. It is right and correct that this should happen.

Good luck in your search.

With affection

Christiane AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Secondary transfer

Post 10

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

My dear Christiane,

Well, little smiley - fish and I have visted eight schools (one twice) and a ninth which had a misprint about the date, so we didn't get to see it. We've chosen a top two and ranked the others 3-6. I have a bit more work to do before we can submit the form, however I expect to have it submitted by the end of tomorrow. Then it will be a question of waiting to see what place we are allocated.

Both little smiley - fish and I have found it a bit stressful. Now I have a better idea of what to expect, it's not so bad. The school I'd really like him to go to is very popular and I need to fill in a form saying why he should go to this school. I think they can give him the extra support he will need with his writing and personal organisation and also push him to do well in the things he already does well. You will know how articulate he is and how he can't always get things down on paper.

Now all I can do is pray that he will get into the best school to support him to achieve his potential.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 11


I am sure he will do well and be happy wherever he goes, with you as his Mum.

smiley - hug

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Secondary transfer

Post 12

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks, Websailor smiley - hug

I had a meeting with his teacher yesterday to go over some things with her. He's being seen by a speech and language specialist in just over a week's time. I can't remember exactly, but there are some things which might be helpful to him. He also had a diagnosis of 'moderate learning difficulties' vis a vis his dyslexia. That might help him get the extra help he needs. We'll see.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 13

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I had thought that I would get to know what school little smiley - fish was going to go to today. I had rung Admissions to ask when and they told me I'd get an email today, as I'd done the application online. So, I came home early to have a look before I picked him up from school. Sure enough, I had an email, but won't get to know until tomorrow what the results were. smiley - grr Little smiley - fish was very disappointed as I'd told him we would know today and his tummy is all upset because of it. smiley - nurse

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 14


What a shame. There is no thought for what the delay puts children and parents through is there?

smiley - goodluck and a big smiley - hug for little smiley - fish

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Secondary transfer

Post 15

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

The woman I spoke to told me that I'd get an e-mail today and had said that if I applied in the normal way, the letter would be posted today. I did get an email, but I expected that the results would be there at the same time.

I thought she'd said that the results would be online today. Maybe I misunderstood. And yes, poor little smiley - fish. I had him kicking and shouting on the bed that he didn't want to go to secondary school. I think it was just the tension getting to him.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 16

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Loving thoughts with you both.

Big smiley - hugs and much smiley - love

Christiane and K,

Secondary transfer

Post 17



smiley - goodlucksmiley - hug

Websailorsmiley - dragon

Secondary transfer

Post 18

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Christiane (and of course K)smiley - schooloffish and Websailorsmiley - dragon

Well the results are in. He's got my second choice school - and his first, so he will be delighted (and I think relieved) when I tell him. I'm feeling a bit despondent about it smiley - blue and I wish I were happier. I know that it is a good school run by a very dedicated headteacher who is very committed to his boys.

I'm not going to appeal against the decision. I think it would be best to accept it and start looking forward to going. First things, I think will be looking for the best way to get there - it doesn't seem to be a particularly easy journey - and also looking to see what school uniform he is likely to need.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Secondary transfer

Post 19

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi Honey,

Don't be smiley - blue It is wonderful that it is your second choice and his first. That is great.

there may be some sort of bus which goes around picking up the pupils. One never knows.

Much smiley - love to you both and congrats on getting a first and a second!!.

Christiane and K.

Secondary transfer

Post 20


Oh my goodness, they don't make it easy, do they? I'm sorry to hear that you've had to do so much running around and even then not got the result you'd hoped for.

Still, 2nd isn't so bad smiley - smiley particularly as little smiley - fish is happy with the outcome.

I hope that it proves to be as good a school as you hope and he imagines smiley - hug

Btw, was your 1st choice, little smiley - fish's 2nd choice?

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