This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Crabbing in Felixstowe

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yesterday was really good. A real holiday. We arrived at our friend's house near Ipswich around 11am and had smiley - tea and homemade smiley - cake. The weather was beautiful - sunny and clear with a real photographic feel to it. Forgot my camera, though.

Then we got nets and fish-heads and went to Felixstowe. We stood on a jetty and dropped the weighted nets with the fish-heads and waited for the crabs to come for a free feed. We did really well and on occasion, we caught them three or more at a time. We caught a couple of nice big hermit crabs and a prawn. My friend said he'd never caught a prawn there previously! (yes, *I* caught it)

We went back for lunch - swordfish, chips and salad, followed by home-made raspberry tart (the raspberries were home grown as well), then we went to see the Harry Potter film, stopping to watch the boats on the river on the way. There was also a tide driven water mill, one of only three in the country, I'm told. We bought some crab and fishcakes from a wet fish stall.

Then back for more smiley - tea, smiley - cake and tart - and then home. Sprog was playing with Lego until the last and said that he felt he really had the chance to be a child there.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Crabbing in Felixstowe

Post 2


Dear Madam

I wish to register my strongest possible protest at your inhuman treatment of crabs, anyone would think they were there just for your amusement. Why do you think they are called hermit crabs? Because they like to be left alone and as for dropping heavy weights on them .... And how would you like to be crammed into a bucket with 65 other members of your species?

And what kind of friend is this that has so wantonly led you astray? What were you doing? Playing at being children all day long?

yours etc etc

Disgusted of Ipswich and purveyor of raspberry tarts to the worthy

Crabbing in Felixstowe

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - laugh It was lovely being children! smiley - biggrin The crabs had a free feed (well more of a taster, really) and probably had the opportunity to chat in crabby language to their mates. What they didn't have was the opportunity to eat the prawn, as we put that in with them, so I feel we were kindness personified!smiley - smiley

What kind of friend was it ... smiley - smiley?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Crabbing in Felixstowe

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

By the way, TwoThumbs, if you go back to your space and write something there, you'll be able to receive messages and no doubt you'll be greeted by a friendly Ace or two to show you round this smiley - cool site.

smiley - ok

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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