This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
Sudden death
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Started conversation Oct 30, 2002
Went to my t'ai chi class yesterday evening. Hadn't been for a few months because of childcare issues. No-one was there. I rang my teacher when I got home. Devastating news. His only daughter had suddenly died of cancer the day before my father collapsed. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks earlier and the speed of it had been frightening.
On top of that, my teacher also found he had cancer and has had an operation. He and his wife sound chopped off at the knees.
His wife and daughter used to look after my son while I did t'ai chi at one point, before circumstances meant they couldn't, and I've known them for many years.
What do you say to somone in those circumstances? I said I would pray for them. I will also help rebuild the classes if he decides to continue with them later.
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Sudden death
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