This is a Journal entry by WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

a poem

Post 1

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

*marvelling at the wintery scene outside my window.. today I wrote a poem*

Living Silence

Simplicity wrapped in a venvety sheath like an ancient moss-covered shrine,
Etched upon souls in communion's delight, tranformed by eternal time.
Moving incarnate to the rhythm of dawns she captures her audience with grace,
Her petals unfold into impossible hues like webs of smokey lace.
Reach out and touch mysterious joys, hold fast as long as you can,
Drink sweet pleasure and ponder the magick fused into an endless span.
Listen to the melodious humming as she bathes all time in peace,
Sense the heartbeat of flowing life, a calm that will never cease.
Gaze into eyes of wisdom, grow from strength revealed,
Into your soul take endless love, and by that love be healed.
Be wrapped in her delicate essence, rest softly beneath her wings,
Let her presence be calm beneath your feet, ever tranquil flow it brings.
Triumph in encircled rapture, in her gentle embrace be free,
Be held in her image of beauty, pursue her serenity.
Tread upon these paths lightly, disturb not immortal footprints,
Many weary pilgrims have stayed here beneath her hallowed tents.
Observe the lifted countenance to the source beyond all power,Move within her fragrance, be lost within her flower.
Emerge from sheltered delusions, ascend to the risen dawn,
Bask in anticipation, the Living Silence flows on.
Mother Nature is beautiful. Peace and love to everyone today and every day. smiley - peacesign

smiley - winkeye WINK

a poem

Post 2

the Shee

smiley - wow

a poem

Post 3

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

smiley - hug
You are *far* too kind, Shee. Thank you. I'm really glad that you liked it. smiley - peacesign

Take care of you.
smiley - winkeye WINK

a poem

Post 4


Very nice Wink. In addition to Nature, it reminds me of the Elf maidens in Lord of the Rings. Just a thought, that may be a little out of left field.

a poem

Post 5

WINK (and the MArtian Arts Review) sending much LOve to the Masses

smiley - biggrin
Actually, you're not too far off Ellen. When I think of what a visual representation of 'mother nature' I think of a fairy-like creature, all adorned with flora and silken gown. Guess it could fit, eh?

smiley - winkeye WINK

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