This is a Journal entry by jigglyfrog

Student Rant part 1

Post 1


Vacation Work...what's that about? You slave all year (alright, sit about in the union developing your alcoholic tendencies and squandering your lack-of 'loan') and all you have to show for it is a decrepid bank balance and a pile of dirty washing.

Summer work is pretty much manditory. Unless by some freak of wealth you can afford to be a student, damn you smiley - winkeye. Again with the slaving. I'm working 2 jobs this summer just to pay to be able to afford to eat next year. It's madness I tell you! ** MADNESS!!! **

Student Rant part 1

Post 2


So, it's the end of the summer. The kiddies went back to school today, and with 2 and a half weeks before I'm intrepid explorer-ing back to uni my bank balance is looking fairly healthy. Not rich-healthy, but not overdrawn. This can only be a good thing. I might even be able to afford to eat this term. Hmmm... we shall see! Summer work is definately worth it, if only for the cash and the CV-enhancment. I just wish I could get paid for sitting in the sun... smiley - smiley

Student Rant part 1

Post 3


It's interesting that the term after the summer is the term in which you have to buy Chritsmas presents. I spent too much - but oddly can still afford to visit a certain person next week for New Year. Hmm... so that's good. Really should be working at the moment, but I am determined to enjoy my winter vacation.

Happy Holidays everyone - I hope you got what you wanted from Santa!
lots of love Kat xx smiley - bluebutterfly

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