This is a Journal entry by Researcher sparklestar

Energy Work

Post 1

Researcher sparklestar

She sat easily on the small gray plastic dog carrier. Inside five chiquaquas, protective spirits from Egypt, guarded her perch with high-pitched chants.

She talked to us of journeying in dark realms. I remember she wasn't with us for almost two years. Now I heard some details. Mostly she expressed the gift of understanding, the pomegranite she carried back in her mouth.

She held the elestial crystal from my pouch and spoke of a love chord. Healing the Earth. A responsibility. And that, she announced, would include embracing the indigent and abused in our Healing Center. Materiality would attempt to lay claim..........We must not succumb.

Her eyes changed colour and looked as if a wave had laid its froth over them when she became familiar with my partner's energy. Then she clapped her hands and jumped up and down. Away! To keep the negative off, the solution is to not allow it to slither into cracks of confidence - cracks that zig-zag with endless questions and need for validation.

I watched her mostly. So very small like the Egyptian spirit-protectors. Each movement delicate yet at the same time deliberate. So much strength in a fragile flower from Asia.

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