This is a Journal entry by Johnny Regular

Punk Rock Art House Lovers

Post 1

Johnny Regular

Well then, The 1970s Punk Movement was all about those with safety and anger screaming 3 chord tunes of love and hate. The Art House movement has been around as long as film has. And then, in the intersection of the two lay the Punk Rock Art Housers.
Yes...In full regalia they arrive at theatres showing Merchant-Ivory Films and the like. They go to family restaurants and loudly discuss the merits of Tarrentino and Goddard. The camera work of Metomorphasis and the Dadaist leanings of modern film. And while you can overhear them speak, you can not get over the fact that a man with a bone through his nose is waxing majestic about Italian Children's film.

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Punk Rock Art House Lovers

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