This is a Journal entry by Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Common sense is not that common anymore.

Post 1

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Friday, 18/1-2002
Question? If you had two refrigerators,lets call them C and D, standing next to each other, and every time you bought something that needed to go into the fridge, you put it in the fridge called C. Eventually, that fridge would be full, while the other fridge was totally empty. When you then realise that you can't pack any more into C, and want to put soem of the stuff in D instead, would you then call the manufacturer of the refrigerators and ask them to move your foodstuff from C to D? And if you did, what would they most likely say to you?

I got a case, very similar to that here at work the other day. Okay, so it's not about fridges, it's about somputers. I told the customer to move the stuff from the C-drive to his D-drive himself, and then told the people who directed the case to me that we don't support that kind of "problems" here. When I did this, they got pissed off at me, and decided to bring in my TLs, who told me that I was wrong.

The day just keeps getting better and better. Now, I've been appointed 'sweeper' for the tech support, which means that if a customer doesn't want help from the first person that takes the call, they get sent to me. And this customer in particular should be w hell of a lott better off if he recieved a frontal lobe lobotomy. At least that's my personal opinion on the subject.
This is a guy, that calls for help, and when he doesn't get the answers he wants to hear, he starts abusing the people on the tech line, telling them how crap our products are, and he's had problems with all of the machines he's ever bought from us.

And the day started off with me oversleeping and getting in to work late.smiley - sadface
I just want it to be 3pm, so I can go home. This sucks.
Life sucks. And then you die!

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Common sense is not that common anymore.

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