This is a Journal entry by Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Stress Puppies

Post 1

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Stress puppy \Pup"py\, n.; pl. Stress Puppies

A person that can not deal with stress, but still craves it to a certain degree to be able to function. However, if the stress mounts up, by an unforseen event, the stress puppy breaks down, and can appear irritable and short tempered.

Personal example. This morning, our main tool of finding information was down and out, however, several other ways of gathering information were available. Because of this, one of my colleagues (admittedly new and rather unexperienced) had a couple of meltdowns with the accompanying outbursts of how crap everything was and that he couldn't find any information about anything. Then, after I had shown him that he could actually find information elsewhere, he got grumpy.

I so feel like going home, today. Just stay in bed and watch TV all day.

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