This is a Journal entry by Micky67

The Move--------->21/05/01

Post 1


Hellooooo everyone!! This is my first entry in my Journal, I do hope I do this right!!!

Well didn't I have a hard time of it on Monday, oh the fun.....NOT!! The company I work for (on the planet Greeble, Area 51...LOL!!) moved from one place to another, sounds easy.....well of course it wasn't.

We'd requested that they only send so much of the furniture, as we are having Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen round to decorate next week ( and he's not what he seems don't you know. If I could put a picture on this site of what he REALLY looks like, boy would you get a shock!!). Well they sent MORE than they should have..... I was going between two premasis (I suffer terrible space sickness) grabbing paperwork that had gone over and other uninteresting bits and bobs.

I had clients in on the Tuesday and couldn't do a sausage because my office resembled demolition site and I'm working from box's....oh the joy's of spring.......

You waite until next week when I pour my heart out on here about how stupid the decoration looks.............


The Move--------->21/05/01

Post 2


I'm here to discuss this with myself.....weird city!!!! The decor looks wonderful, Larry is a marvel, though his sticky pad fingers did cause some problems! We have some lovely plants, that are almost house trained, although we have had the odd client bitten in the nether region, but, we won't talk about THAT sorry little state of affair. It's Boris (don't know how to pronouse, nore spell his real name), he was so embarressed, he thought it was lunch time and that someone had offered him a snack!!! The clients think it looks wonderful too. Now all we have to do is to persuade some of the clients to stop drooling on the new carpet!

Micky X

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The Move--------->21/05/01

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