This is a Journal entry by Becerikli

Meeting with the boss

Post 1


Had a meeting with the boss. The Big Boss. The biggest in our department (the next in line would be Deputy Mayor of the city). For once things went well. Starting next month I'll get a raise of about 200 euros and next year a minor promotion. Not complaining, me. smiley - biggrin

Meeting with the boss

Post 2


Congrats! smiley - ok

Meeting with the boss

Post 3


Thanks! smiley - smiley I find it a bit scary that I published that here before I told my Real LifeĀ© friends.. smiley - smiley

Meeting with the boss

Post 4


smiley - laugh
For me it makes a complete sense. smiley - biggrin

Meeting with the boss

Post 5


Yes, well, I suppose you're right. smiley - smiley Just a thought. Shouldn't have any of those, thoughts I mean. they just cause trouble and give splinters on me fingers.

Meeting with the boss

Post 6


Thinking is not the healthiest way of spending time. smiley - winkeye

Meeting with the boss

Post 7


Usually not, I agree. That's why I usually don't bother. smiley - smiley

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