This is a Journal entry by Becerikli

Life in Suburbia

Post 1


Well, one of these suburbian lives is now over. Five hours ago, right in front of my building an elderly woman was hit by a speeding car. I didn't know her, I knew of her though. I've spoken to her a couple of times: "no, I'm not going to give you a cigarrette". I admit, I didn't like her. She never asked for a fag, she just demanded one. I thought she was rude. She didn't have it coming, though. No one does.

I live in a relatively calm and quiet suburb, as does about 7000 other people. People with families, parents, children, pets. What makes the drivers think the road is actually a racing track? The car had to be coming real fast if it actually flipped over when it hit a parked car (after it had hit her 50 metres earlier on a bus stop). The law says the speed limit is 40 km/h. Obay it, smiley - bleeping drivers! The lit candles on the bus stop are lovely but not worth it.

Life in Suburbia

Post 2


smiley - cross
smiley - bleep

(And I love the way you wrote about it.)

Life in Suburbia

Post 3


Thanks, love.

I've seen quite a lot of speeders around here. I'm not a fan of what-ifs but this makes me think. I didn't see the "event" but my mom did - I think I've told you she lives in the next building. That's the first thing that could've gone even more wrong. Second thing that comes to mind, the car landed about 20 metres (judging from the extinguishing foam the fire department uses that was still on the pavement) from a kindergarten at that time of day when parents are picking up their children. What if mom would've been taking the dog for a walk right then? Or either one of my sisters with my niece and nephew?

I know mom didn't like her either but she said something that stuck. The lady who was hit wasn't young and she couldn't walk good anymore. Mom said "just think what she must've felt like when she saw the car was coming and knew she couldn't get out of the way on time".

Life in Suburbia

Post 4


Some years ago, when I was living in a block house, a mad driver made a real raid between the houses. There was a lot of cars parked and as it was a sunny sunday afternoon, there was also lot of people walking by and children playing lika a bevy of sparrows. Then suddlenly a car started from behind the next house. The driver was really drunk as it turned out later. First he hit one parked car at the next door, then there was my ex'es car and our neighbour's as the driver tried to escape. Speeding up the car dashed across the street and hit three more cars parked there. As I was sitting at the window I looked out as soon as the first crash was heard so I saw all the rest happening. And it was a complete miracle noone was hurt. Well, exept the driver but he was so drunk that I am not sure if he even noticed that his face was bleeding.
That was the moment of "what if"-s. Sometimes I am even proud that I can't drive a car.

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