This is a Journal entry by Benji_Mouse_AKA_Headcoat_Man

Learning the Ropes

Post 1


Like a new hitchhiker, I am learning the ropes of the h2g2 realm. Apologies all around for any gaffs.

Learning the Ropes

Post 2

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Welcome Benji Mouse,
Don't worry about making gaffs, it's quite acceptable, and I imagine there is a hugher level of tolerance at the moment.
If you are worried check out the house rules (theres a link at every page) tho since the beeb took over there is a lot of silly new rules - not speaking in foreign languages, no swearing, no links in conversation forums to add to the original rule of just "No Spitting"

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