This is a Journal entry by James the Techie

Goodbye DNA

Post 1

James the Techie

Have had to create a new account following move to BBC and associated personal cock-up. Specifically logged in to add my words to those offering condolences at DNA's passing. (FWIW, I used to be known as Beard, but rarely did anything more than lurk, so I doubt anyone remembers.)

Goodbye DNA

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My name is Galaxy Babe and I've been on h2g2 for almost a year.
I can't post this welcome to your personal space, as you haven't activated it yet. As soon as you do, you will get other visitors dropping by.smiley - smiley
We're all shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Douglas Adams, but I'm sure we will soon be our usual jovial selves again, given a bit of time.smiley - blue
In the meantime, welcome to h2g2.smiley - hug
If there's anything you would like to know about the site, or you'd just like to chat, just click reply & I will return.smiley - magic

Galaxy Babesmiley - flyhi

Goodbye DNA

Post 3


Hello Beard... me is sorry to say that me not think our paths crossed on h2g2 before... me hopes you will stay around for a while...

It is a sad time at h2g2, Douglas Adams seemed to be a friend that we all shared...Me is sure that the words of kindness that you bring to h2g2 will be gratefully accepted...

hugs.. Greebs..

Goodbye DNA

Post 4

James the Techie

Nice to see the greeters in action! Thanks guys...

Spurred into action, have now put something on my personal space for the first time in about 18 months. And come up with a (for the mo) unique nickname. This counts as constructive when I'm supposed to be revising for finals.

Greebo - you have a very long memory! I vaguely remember conversing with you at some time in the past, but have absolutely no idea what I was wibbling about...

Who knows? I might even write an article at some point. Now there would be a turn-up for an inveterate lurker. smiley - cool

Goodbye DNA

Post 5

James the Techie

PS. I can't read either. Spot deliberate mistake in above reply. Nevertheless I'm sure I've come across you, but I must have been lurking. It's a bad habit and one I'm trying to shake off.

Goodbye DNA

Post 6


Don't worry... friends forgive mistakes James...~grin~ And me personally would love to read a guide entry written by you...have you an idea what it might be about??? You could research the life of a certain orange with black stripes cat that is seen quite often around h2g2... talk to the cats friends... find out what makes her tick... me thinks that would abe a prize winning article... possible in worthy of the booker prize... ~big grin~

Hi GB... ~Greebo gives GB a cuddle... me knows you need it my love...~ Always remember the DNA left a special gift behind for is all... the H2G" web site...

Goodbye DNA

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you, Greebo.
I still can't believe he's gone.
We must turn h2g2 into the greatest living memorial ever.
smiley - hugJames the Techie & ~huggle~ Greebo.
What a lovely collar you are wearingsmiley - smiley

Goodbye DNA

Post 8


Me thinks that h2g2 is already the greatest momnument to anyone... and me is very glad me found my way here... ~kisses GB on the cheek... me wubbles you so much my dear...~

Goodbye DNA

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - loveblush
~wonders if James the Techie is lurking or shaking~
smiley - biggrin
I love you too, Greebo.
smiley - hug

Goodbye DNA

Post 10

James the Techie

Shaking? What's that then?

No, I was just busy - finals coming up in two weeks y'know, and when I logged back in and opened this account I immediately lost a whole day to mooching around H2G2 seeing what had changed! Can't afford to do that too often...

Thanks for all the smiley - hugs guys, even if you have been exchanging them with each other via my space recently. smiley - winkeye

I've just posted my first Article-ette to get my hand in at GuideML, so hopefully I can write some more in a few weeks' time when all the pressure's off. I already have ideas...

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