This is a Journal entry by Magenta

15/16 May, 2001

Post 1


It's ten days before the last Xena convention in Orlando. It's been maybe two weeks since the big Pasadena con. The last three episodes of the show will run soon.

In a way, this all already feels surreal. No more Xena. It's hard to comprehend, even tho my life isn't as consumed by Xena as it once had been. Of course, the fandom itself has fallen into disrepair...around the time of the Rift.

Quite a few of the MacConnors and KiwiKewlians won't be there this year, having blown their wads of cash at Pasadena. I would have to if I'd been able to go. Instead, I'm heading for my third, and last, convention in sunny Orlando.

I'm excited because I know we'll have fun this year, whether we want to or not...but it will be a truly sombre event... Not only are Evy and I going, but our non-Xenite friends will be attending, too: Rick, John and Dave. I'm so glad I get to be there for what will be one of the biggest culture shocks of their lives. heeheehee

I'm writing this journal entry at work, both dreading and anxiously awaiting my final convention full stop...and it's the last time Creation brings a Xena con to the South, opting to stick with California and New York for any future events...except they'll have to start bringing in the third baddie from the left in the second to last episode of the fourth series because all of the other Xena actors will have moved on to other things andnot want to dwell on their past.

How different will life be after Xena ends? I mean, Evy and I will still be friends, of course, but what about all the other wonderful people I've met through our mutual love of this television show? Will they fade into the past or will we somehow manage to stick together? *cheesy music here* Only time will tell....

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15/16 May, 2001

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