This is a Journal entry by Mythos

Reading about nudity...

Post 1


Well, the last couple of days, I've taken some time and rediscovered my liking for being nude. I've always liked being nude, and was able to finaly do that at home when I moved out on my own. A couple of times I have thought about seeing if I could find a club to join - I even emailed the only one close to me (with no success), since then I have not thought too much about it (such a shame to seeing how it's summer and all that). I'm not sure what made me think about it again, but I'm thinking about it again - time to look more througly.

Now if you will excuse me, I have an auction on Ebay I'm trying to win - 19 minutes and 59 seconds left. smiley - smiley

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Reading about nudity...

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