This is a Journal entry by F.O.R.D


Post 1


not much has been put down about this city,other than a few loose mentions in other entries. this city is one of the biggest inn the u.s. it has a definite personality to it,one that is often looked upon as kind of negitive. to hear it you would almost begin to think that you need a tank just to drive down the streets. although residents seem to enjoy this stigma and actually encourage it with t-shirts that read "welcome to detroit, now go home." or "i'm so bad i vacation in detroit." or my personal favorite "DETROIT, where the weak are killed and eaten.".

for reactions you don't even need to leave the state all you have to do is go somewhere mid-state and say "i'm from detroit." and you can watch their face go from a look of pleased to meet you, to one of caution and mild dissmay.

while not always desirable it can be handy in situations where you would rather not talk to someone. that's all for the moment.

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