This is a Journal entry by Elise


Post 1


I have the strangest hallucinations when I'm tired. I stayed up quite a long time last night, and I ended up hearing the voices of various professors of mine doing book reviews. Fascinatingly enough, that's completely true.

I've found a new topic for a guide entry. It's fascinating, and it combines my interests in neurobiology and the horror genre. Man, I need to become a neurobiologist. That's what I like. I wonder why I keep trying other things.

I thought of something. If tuna is the chicken of the sea, does that mean that there are other varieties of metaphorical aquatic birds too? For instance, I would be very interested in seeing a peacock of the sea, or a hummingbird of the sea. However, what I'm really holding my breath for is the vulture of the sea.

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