This is a Journal entry by Elise


Post 1


I'm baaack. What a nightmare, not being able to get into my space. I have sentimental attachment to this space, really. I created it back when the fabulous Mr. Adams was still a Researcher here... I still miss him terribly. What a couple of years for loss. First Douglas Adams, then George Harrison, then my wonderful cat Siren, and recently Richard Harris. I suppose moping does no good, but I don't want to forget them.

Hm... I bet some people might be offended by my lumping the death of my cat into the same category with such great figures. Certainly, no disrespect was intended. These were just some of the major blows which my sentiments were struck over the past two years. They're all horrible, and I have no desire to quantify or qualify the amount of pain associated with each.

I realized when I got back here--this journal is pretty much a blog, isn't it? I have an unfounded bias against blogs. Oh well. This is an exceptional case. Ford himself told me to do it.

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