This is a Journal entry by Spangled Man

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 1

Spangled Man

Hoorah! I've written an entry about astral projection and now it's going to be part of the edited guide! Chuffed! Can't wait to see what it look like and now I've got the bug, so stand by for more entries to come.

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 2


An excellent entry about a topic that has long fascinated me, and you got an in-house graphic to go with it to boot.smiley - biggrin

Well done. I have added a link to your entry from the 'entries to read' part of my space.

Keep up the good work.smiley - magic

Sus smiley - ufo

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 3

Spangled Man

Thanks! It's quite nice to know that someone else appreciates something you've done!
Makes it all worthwhile smiley - smiley

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 4


smiley - biggrin

So what will you be writing next then?smiley - winkeye

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 5

Spangled Man

I'm tempted with the rather dodgy subject of what and what not to do with Ecstacy pills. I'm not talking about glamourising them I just feel that a well informed article on the subject is nessacary; particularly in todays world. Apart from that I'm also currently looking into what Freemasonary, Knights Templar, The holy Grail, other 'Secret' Societies and Gnostic Christianity all have to do with each other! It's just a matter of finding the time to string a few words together.

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 6


Sounds ambitious.smiley - smiley

The Ecstasy article sounds good, but it might be worth running your ideas past the Editors before you put too much time into it.

Your latter ideas rather sound like the makings of a University project to me. Take a look at if you haven't done already.smiley - smiley

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 7

Spangled Man

Yeah, good idea. I hadn't thought of that. I'll have a look into that today.
Cheers for the advice, it'll all be taken!

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 8


smiley - blushSomeone taking my advice... oh... er...

My First Edited Guide Entry

Post 9


A question to help my curiousity...have you ever been able to fallow the steps in your entree with success?
The entree was very nice, by the way smiley - ok

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