This is a Journal entry by kyuketsuki

researcher number 1670080

Post 1


i am kyuketsuki more prooerly kyuketsuki o i go by many names though including but not limited to jack kj taiven and johosophat

i am a christian

i am a swordfighting skate boarding karate practicing author and i recently discussed with my friend and fellow researcher _EVAD_ to go on a road trip around the state of illinois which we will do for the purpose of gathering information to the hitchhikers guide to illinois which we are writing

we desire to compile several books at least one for each state of america an put them together on cd or in book form these books would be organized in a few ways the primary organization of these books will be by the state in which the guide is for in my case illinois the second is the county in alphabetical order from there we will include other tidbits of information but it will be centered around location

at any rate good day

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researcher number 1670080

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