This is a Journal entry by Yael Smith

It's been a while

Post 1

Yael Smith

And now the fun seems to begin- Maya is more alert through the day and sleeps through the night. She's coming up with new sounds and tests out her voice. She smiles very sweetly smiley - loveblush. She now weighs 13lb/6Kg. All this at the age of 11 weeks!
Ryan, on the other hand, has found out that he can jump out of his cot last night, and it seems we're going to have to get him a bed.smiley - groan This way we'll get the opportunity to completely sleep train him aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall over again. Wahoo!smiley - rolleyes
Mah, well, at least he won't be able to break any of his limbs.smiley - erm

It's been a while

Post 2

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

we have the bed now he liked it untill i tired to make him sleep in it

It's been a while

Post 3

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh that he did.

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