This is a Journal entry by nowheretobeseen

March 18th, 2001

Post 1


Saint Patrick's Day was yesterday. Movies and shows about Ireland were on, people got drunk, and everyone claimed to be Irish!
What do they care the rest of the year? Could they tell you why Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated? Do people see beyond their drinks and bragging about a heritage they ignore the rest of the year, or simply pretend to have for this one day?
"O, it is Saint Paddy's Day! How wonderful the Irish are! I wish I could be like them!"
Bah! Is the name Maewyn familiar? Do you know that was the Welshman's name before becoming the patron Saint of Ireland? That he was once a pagan, and a slave in Ireland? Do you know that the coming of Christianity to Ireland was peaceful and natural to the Celts living there? Martyrdom was unknown in Ireland until the reign of Queen Elizabeth I! Do you know that Elizabeth ordered Irish poets and Bards to be killed? Do you know what the Irish went through under the rule of the British? The British still hold the Six Counties, and continue to keep the Irish people divided. Do you think of this only as you drink with your friends on Saint Patrick’s Day? Or do you remember everyday? For those who proudly say, “I am Irish!” on Saint Patrick’s Day: What does it mean to you to say you are Irish? Would you be as proud to say, “I am Irish!” everyday?

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March 18th, 2001

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