This is a Journal entry by 100 watt warlock of rock (aka plurrr) the Keeper of Last Minute Disasters, Minister of Green


Post 1

100 watt warlock of rock (aka plurrr) the Keeper of Last Minute Disasters, Minister of Green

i just found out last night that an old high shcool crush had a reciprocating crush on me at the same time i did. this turned my world upside down... and then inside out... and then back to an enlightened abnormal. we talked about all the times we almost told each other, or the other person almost found out, and how many times we chickened out. it was an uplifting experience, seeing as now i have no secrets to hide from her, so even if we dont end up dating for some reason, well have this new fresh complete openness and honesty. im relieved basicly. this is also a great relief because i have finally just gotten over my previous girlfriend completely, so using that experience as step to move on, this new opportunity is another step in a positive direction. im feeling very happy. smiley - biggrin its such a relief in fact im exhausted from enjoying it. liking her was my biggest secret as far as dating goes, so that means i have no worries... HAKUNA MATATA!!! anyways, im thoroughly delighted to move on with rebecca, even if only in friendship, but with both our mutually infatuated histories merging, it wouldnt be so far out of line to actually turn it into a relationship, like we so very much wanted back in the day. i almost feel were at the point of like "well, now what? weve both confessed our obsessions over each other... what do we do now? do we date? do we pretend like it was just words and go on with our friendship unaltered?" i feel its really up to her for a handful of reasons. 1) she has just broken up with her boyfriend a month or so ago, and id rather she be definitely over and done with him 2) im 1000 miles away from her, so im not sure how shell handle that (maybe we'll wait each other out til the summer, and build the relationship in reality and proximity) 3) i can go either way... id like to go into a relationship, because as far as ive decided, shes the girl of my dreams, but ill settle for less 4) i believe she knows that im going to try to keep her from drinking as much as she does, which is something she wants to do anyways, but it might be a factor that will persuade her to say no 5)... this one is alotted for some reason i might not be aware of... she did mention she was sure how she felt because she was sorting things out in her life now. this is prolly the most romantic and impacting thing that has ever happened to me.... i believe in fate, if you give fate a chance. rebecca has made my millenium...


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