This is a Journal entry by Snorri


Post 1


hmm. After much removing, cleaning and replacing of parts, the problem turned out to be that the ignition coils were covered in mud. Yamaha had cunningly decided to put them just behind the horn - optimum position for catching everything the front wheel can throw up. Given that I work out in the countryside (Frolesworth) and have a 10 mile commute from the city (Leicester. And yes I know I'm doing a back-to-front commute), that's quite a lot of mud, horse dung, salt, grit, diesel etc.

Oh well, that's all been cleaned, and now that she's had a new bit of wire spliced in to the ignition switch, she runs like a dream. A tad rusty though..I think on the whole I shall be keeping this bike, I know her so well now. And she has character, and a name, and I'll never get the money back that I've spent on her...

In the meantime, I'm buying a house with my partner. Looks like we might manage to get a mortgage, which will be a new and exciting thing for me, although I'm very nervous. And I guess the next thing to do will be to do the legal thing and tie everything up financially so that my partenr is registered as next of kin. It'd be a lot easier to get married, but unfortunately it's slightly illegal as we're both women. Bit of a drawback. Something I never thought about until I fell in love with my partner. I didn't understand why anyone should get so het up about not being able to get married. Or have kids by the person they loved.

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