This is a Journal entry by CRmarvin42

Interesed in Animal Science?

Post 1


If you are interested in Becoming a Vet. or just getting involved in animal sciences their are several things you should be informed of.

1. With the exception of technical schools, most of the students enrolled in the program are going to be women. At my school the ratio is 10 to 1. This shouldn't influence your decision but it's good not to be too suprised the first day of classes.

2. These classes are going to be some of the funnest classes of your life, as long as you are willing to participate 100 percent. You will have to option to participate in many activities that you would normaly consider disgusting, but if you take advantage of the possabilities it will be full of times to remember.

3. Experience in the real world is a must. Handling of large and small animals occurs and is expected knowlege for post graduate work. Besides, every one loves playing with animals

Now curently I am a junior at Umass and expect to graduate in a year. If any one would like to leave any info that would benefit me or others, please by all means speak up. Additions and corrections are encouraged.



P.S. I had no Idea what to write about this is my first entry!

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Interesed in Animal Science?

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