This is a Journal entry by Pat La Mouche

luck, good and bad

Post 1

Pat La Mouche

Almost three weeks ago I was in a car accident, a frontal collision with an enormous truck, and I didn't have a scratch (well, I had a nosebleed, that's all). Since then I've had (in order) the flue, an infected tooth, a paycheck lost in the mail, 3 burnt out lightbulbs in as many minutes, 2 computer-crashes (home AND work), an enormous boil on my eyelid, another infected tooth, and since 10 days a never ending migraine. Does this mean anything or is it just dumb (bad) luck? I wonder...

luck, good and bad

Post 2

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

It definitely sounds as if you've been inflicted with luck. As the ancient Chinese curse went, "May you live in interesting times." And it definitely seems that you have recently! smiley - bigeyes

I fear that I don't have any words of particular wisdom on these occurances. I can only say that at least you know that you're alive. smiley - smiley

I'm on my way to your band's page now. I'm always interested in new sounds. Hang in there!


luck, good and bad

Post 3

Pat La Mouche

Luckily that's the way I feel: I'm not a quitter, and I always tell myself it can't get any worse (of course it CAN, but most of the times it doesn't).
Anyway, a life where nothing "interesting" ever happens would be boring. I've got three brothers who lead such lives: they're all 3 younger and they look lots older. Maybe it's boredom that makes us grow older.
Anyway, thanks for the friendly words (it always makes you feel good, doesn't it?), and thanks for checking out the music. THAT's another way to keep life interesting. MUSIC and all that comes with it...
Here in Europe, we've got a fantastically lively "house & techno scene" that keeps everyone involved (young and old) right on the edge. I've seen a lot of those kinds of "movements" in my life (hey, I was born in the beginning of the sixties), but THIS one has been going on for over 10 years now, is still evolving and is about the liveliest ever (but, I admit, also the most hedonistic, but is that really a problem?).

btw, I've been trying to figure out how to pronounce Gw7en for days now...

luck, good and bad

Post 4

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

The "7" is silent. Its based on a Tom Lehrer joke about his friend Henry who was such an individual he spelled his name Hen3ry. smiley - winkeye

Your music is wonderful! I've got Cats and Dogs on my daily play list here at work, I liked it so much. And I've been sending everyone I know to download your stuff. You've definitely got an audience on this side of the puddle! smiley - biggrin

I've got a dear friend in Ireland who keeps me abreast of the techno/house scene as best he can. This time, I was able to point him to an artist that he didn't know. Here in the Stated, we usually don't get to hear the good stuff until its been out for 4 or 5 years over there. Its a bit of a pain for fans.


luck, good and bad

Post 5

Pat La Mouche

Don't worry, no matter what they say, they've got a similar problem in the UK (including Ireland): there's LOTS of very good stuff being made on the continent that the Brits only start listening to about a year after it's released. There's been a bit of a "trance"-fad in Britain, but they missed out on all the best stuff, because that comes out on a Belgian label (Bonzai) which they've only just discovered... Of course, now that "fad" is over, so now they call it "progressive house". Ah, those Brits, they like their categories and sub-categories, don't they?
In the meantime, I've put a few new tracks up...

luck, good and bad

Post 6

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

On my way to grab the new tracks. smiley - winkeye


luck, good and bad

Post 7

Pat La Mouche

Well, I had to take down a few tracks too, and "Cats & Dogs" was one of them (I wanted all the tracks on the same page, so I had to do it that way), but if you like, I'll put it up again on a second "album" on IUMA.

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